Testing and Feedback

Testing and Feedback completed, the 7th week's progress post.

Hi everyone, Week 7 was remarkable as we are working very hard to make sure everything is prepared for Perth Games Week. At the same time, we have also executed our pre-PGF testing and feedback. The testing turned out to be a good one as we received comments from both students and the testers. 

These are some of the feedbacks we have received so far:

  • Main player scale 

The first concern we had from the testing was the main player's height, as someone misunderstood the player’s height to be purposefully small compared to the rest of the environment. To resolve the issue Nathan had blocked out some statutes at the front of the gate to give an idea of how small the player is to its environment.

  • Lack of direction 

The second issue surfaced was how the players didn’t know what to do most of the time during the testing. This problem has been resolved by Nathan, primarily by adding additional UI text boxes that help the player navigate better on the map.

Since the last blog post, here are some of the things done so far this week:

  • A new item pick animation has been made
  • A new token system was added
  • UI text improvements has been made
  • A new UI for the replenished inventory screen has been added 
  • A bunch of texture was added
  • New breakable props such as the bookshelf, desk and chair have been added.
  • Skeleton model and UV’s has been added
  • Background music has been created and undergoing improvements

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