Much Preparation, Very Wow

Much Preparation, Very Wow; the 6th week's progress post

Hi all, sorry for the prolonged absence of our posts. Nathan added a quick devlog of his own not long ago talking mostly about the technical side of things, and there’s much more where that came from.

We’ve been working hard in preparation for presenting our game at the Perth Games Festival, which is on the 23rd of September this year.

Some things you may have already seen in the screenshots in Nathan’s post, but here’s a quick rundown of what we’ve gotten done since the last big post:

  • Cave props have been made
  • The environment props have been made
  • Standard level tiles have been made
  • More and more levels have been designed and compiled
  • We have a roof!
  • The character has been basically modelled, reworked and is in the process of being finalised
  • Textures have been made and applied (with some minor issues, as evidenced by the chest in the last post, but those were ironed out), though it’s an ongoing process of tweaking and adding new models to texture
  • A visual effect has been made for interacting with objects
  • Lighting has been implemented, tweaked, tweaked some more, then attempted again but never seen as perfect
  • UI has been updated, improved and had new aspects implemented
  • The poster has been thumbnailed, prototyped and produced
  • Many, many, many systems have been newly made/overhauled to improve gameplay

Here, have some proof:

We're (nervous but also) looking forward to showing people our game!

Kind regards,
Gremlin of Texture

Get Gremlin Restoration

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